
August's Rhapsody from August Rush

I watched August Rush over my Christmas holidays and I have to say I loved it. Music plays such a big part of the film (noticeable that the three main characters are all musicians). Music links them. It is not simply art for the sake of art. The way music works to bring the orphaned August back to his parents and after 11 years proves this. August himself hears music in everything, everywhere. Music drives him throughout the film. 

I found the final scene of the film to be the most beautiful scene of the entire film that had me in tears. This is where August's Rhapsody comes in. I loved the way August, having struggled to find his parents throughout the film, in the end brings them to him using his music.

The piece in itself is beautiful, but the way the scene is directed (and acted) highlights the power of music. I do not mean to suggest that music necessarily must bring people together like this film. But the way this piece had an effect on me, the viewer, speaks volumes. Three months on, I find myself still listening to this one piece of music on repeat on my ipod when I write. The writing itself is completely seperate from my other writing. It is simply a stand-alone scene that I am still struggling to find out the meaning of. I relished in how much the music affected me, and now I am relishing figuring it out what my response to this music now means.

Have a listen, the music really gets beautiful at around 3mins,



Ok, so here goes my first post!

Well the new year's resolution I made last year for trying new things failed miserably. So this year I decided to stick to my new one of not making excuses! So far it's going pretty well, I go to the gym regularly (yes!), I do all of my weekly reading for my lectures, and I have yet to eat anything chocolate!

Mostly, everything has been relatively easy to stick to except the chocolate thing! It's really hard to give up chocolate when you eat it as much as I do...did...do? Anyway, I decided to cut chocolate completely for one year and trust me, there are days where I really wonder what on earth made me want to do such a thing! I do know that I have to stop relying on it so much, it's shocking how I instantly think about chocolate when I'm upset or stressed or happy or angry or...pretty much feeling any type of emotion!


Ok back to my Jane Austen essay!! Fingers crossed I get a good grade on this one, I'm rather enjoying writing it!

Nelly xx