
TeamEbook vs. TeamPrint again.....or is it?

So this struggle between ebook and print has been brewing for a while. Not since the emergence of 'TeamEdward' and 'TeamJacob' has there been such a battle!
Joking aside, I must admit that I have been the kind of reader who has sworn against digital books and pledged my undying allegiance to print.

Since receiving a Kindle for Christmas over a year ago, however, I have begun to warm to ebooks a lot more than I expected to do so. Ebooks are, of course, cheaper than print books, take up less space, and, most important for me, harder to damage.

Reading a newsletter from thebookseller.com, I found an interesting article that called 2011 the 'transitional' period between ebooks and print books. Deputy editor of the bookseller and writer of the article, Philip Jones, sees the end of the struggle between ebook and print, stating that, "instead of thinking of print or digital as competing forces, they will simply publish into the medium that fits the creative idea, and publish each manifestation differently as a result."

Jones presents a rather uplifting thought that the future of the book does not lie in whether or not you are on 'TeamEbook' or 'TeamPrint', but rather the growth, or the re-invention of publishing in which the form of the book enhances the experience, the pleasure of reading it rather than the politics of it.